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    Stage Rhine, Black Forest Rhine - Heidelberg - Black Forest

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Rhine - Heidelberg - Black Forest
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Wed 29.Sept 2004 1 day at Boppard a Rhine River Cruise to the Lorely in the morning was most relaxing - commentary on the boat was informative about the old "Burgen" (Castles) / towns and humorous with interesting anecdotes in both German and English. The return journey was the first bit of rain we have had so far (by this time we were in the lower enclosed deck with a nice beer and coffee :-)
- Hotel Rheinlust, see map detail Rheinalle 27-30, Boppard +49 (0)6742 8080 - was once again a very nice place with excellent German efficient service (even getting some washing done was no trouble for the helpful staff).
The town is showing off it's old cobblestone streets and a large selection of interesting shops and eating houses. Including of course the much favoured "Imbiss" with a variety excellent German Bratwurst and other tasty delights where one can even wash these down with a good beer :-)
As we would find out throughout our travels in the next few days - the Hotel Restaurant fare is excellent from morning breakfast with large selections of meats, cheeses, fresh fruit, jams & marmalades (often home made) - to evening meals which often included options of local game, fish etc - often much to large for our consumption and most certainly making it hard to keep to any plans of dieting :-) ..... who would want to anyway (?) in this part of the world where good food and drink seem to be a very important part of life.
Thu 30.Sept 2004
240.8 km
up the Rhine (south) as far as Bingen, to "Wein Strasse" & east (south of Kaiserslauten)
to see map detailHeidelberg - visiting the see map detail"Altstadt")
This old University town has maintained it character and buildings through the centuries. The Old town streets still paved with the traditional cobblestones, including the very large centre square with the Heiligen Geist Kirche. In front of the Rathaus the square is now being used to serve coffees, beers and other delights from the various cafes and small bars around the square. Antique [and second hand / art] shops are mixed with trendy fashion and jewellry shops in the many lanes leading off the square. Even McDonalds has an outlet here - however IF you really MUST have one of these you will have to look very carefully as the ususal colour scheme has been toned down to fit in with the general old look and it's even hard to see the ususally dominating M :-) Nice to see it's possible ....
For the night we travelled 8km north to
- Hotel Restaurant Scheid,see map detailTalstrasse 176, Schriesheim - +49 (0)6203 6050
Accommodation at this establishment was very good. Unfortunately the food and general service was disappointing [and on later reflection possibly one of the least favourable] which may be because the house was hosting some kind of convention during our visit (?) - their website being a little more promising than was able to be delivered.
Fri 01.Oct 2004
166 km
- drive south on A5 (& ~sth east of Karlsruhe / Baden Baden) into the Northern Black Forest
along high mountain roads (and real forest) to
- see map detailBad Griesbach - Hotel Kimmig, see map detailKniebis Strasse 57, +49 (0)7806 1055

come back to see more information
Sat 02.Oct 2004
381.7 km
south & east to Schwenningen
Lunch with Soenke, Irene & Maitke at
after lunch - southwest to
- see map detailZell im Wiesental - Hotel Loewen, Schopfheimer Straße 2, +49 (0)7625 92540
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